

Basic concepts and syntax in Kotlin

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entry point

In kotlin, each .kt must have exactly one entry point. Otherwise, one will get compiler error.

In kotlin, an entry point is a main function.

fun main(){

For example, see CH1 - print in console in my example code[^1].

logical operator

symbol keyword description
&& and returns true iff all elements are evaluated to true.
|| or returns true iff one of elements is evaluated to true.
! not returns true iff the only one element is false. false to true. true to false
symbol x expression returned result
! true !x false
! false !x true
symbol x y expression returned result
&& true true x && y true
&& false true x && y false
&& true false x && y false
&& false false x && y false
symbol x y expression returned result
|| true true x || y true
|| false true x || y true
|| true false x || y true
|| false false x || y false

For example, see CH6 - logical operator in my example code[^1].

conditional statement


  • The first form also the basic form as follows.

Iff the condition in if -- <condition1> is true, the expressions in if block -- <expressions1> will be evaluated.

  • The second form as follows.

Similar to first form.

Iff the condition in if -- <condition1> is true, the expressions in if block -- <expressions1> will be evaluated.

Otherwise, the expressions in else block -- <expressions2> will be evaluated.

  • The third form as follows.

Similar to second form.

One can think it contains another if-else statement in first elseblock.

Iff the condition in if -- <condition1> is true, the expressions in if block -- <expressions1> will be evaluated.

Otherwise, iff the condition in else if -- <condition2> is true, the expressions in else if block -- <expressions2> will be evaluated.

Otherwise, the expressions in else block -- <expressions3> will be evaluated.

}else if(<condition2>){

We can expand it to more else if on if statement.

In Kotlin, all blocks has only one expression, then the expression will be evaluated value then returned. See fourth form and fifth form.

  • The fourth form as follows.

If <condition1> is evaluated to true, then the only one expression <expression1> will be evaluated and returned.

Otherwise, the only one expression <expression2> will be evaluated and returned.

<variableName> = if(<condition1>) <expression1> else <expression2>

or equivalently

<variableName> = if(<condition1>) {
  • The fifth form as follows.

If <condition1> is evaluated to true, then the only one expression <expression1> will be evaluated and returned.

Otherwise, if <condition2> is evaluated to true, the only one expression <expression2> will be evaluated and returned.

Otherwise, the only one expression <expression3> will be evaluated and returned.

<variableName> = if(<condition>) <expression1> else if (<condition2>) <expression2> else <expression3>

or equivalently

<variableName> = if(<condition1>) {
} else if (<condition2>) {
}else {

We can expand it to more else if on if statement.

If the if statement is used to return value, then all pathes among these block must return same type.

Thus, the else and its block can NOT be omitted.

For example, see CH7 - conditional statement in my example code[^1].



It will first evaluate the condition in for -- <condition>. <condition> is evaluated to true iff the block in for -- <body> will be executed.

After each execution of the block in for -- <body>, it will iterate to the next element of variable in .



<condition> contains a variable for iteration.

It is usually to see in keyword in for loop.

The common use cases of for as follows:

  • use case 1:
var i : Int = 0
for(i in 0..10){
  • use case 2:
val list1 = mutableListOf(2,4,6,8,10)
var elem : Int = 0
for(elem in list1){
  • use case 3:
val array1 = arrayOf(2,3,4,5,6,12)
var elem : Int = 0
for(elem in array1){
  • use case 4:
val map1 = mapOf( 'A'-> 20, 'B' -> 21)
var elem : Int = 0;
for(elem in map1){

For example, see for in my example code[^1].


It will first evaluate the condition in while -- <condition>. <condition> is evaluated to true iff the block in while -- <body> will be executed.


For example, see while in my example code[^1].

do while

It will first execute the block <body>in do while . Then it will evaluate the condition in do while -- <condition>. <condition> is evaluated to true iff the block in do while -- <body> will be executed.


Watch out the order of condition check in loop.

The block in while may NOT be executed.

But the block in do while must be always executed at once.

For example, see do while in my example code[^1].


In Kotlin, one can return an iterator as arithmetic sequence (等差數列). Such as (1,2,3,4,5,6), (3,5,7,9),(10,8,6),('A','B','C','D').

  • In comparison:

There are two symbols .. and ..< (until)

Given these numbers a,b, and x where a refers lower bound b refers upper bound.

  • .. : a .. b is equivalent to a <= x && x <= b. (both inclusive.)
  • ..< or until : a..< b is equivalent to a <= x && x < b (a inclusive but b exclusive.)
  • In iterator:

There are these symbols or keywords .., ..< (until), downTo

These symbols or keywords can be used with step keyword.

Given these numbers a,b, and x.

  • .. : a .. b is equivalent to the iterator (an IntRange type) (a,a+1,...b-1,,b). (both inclusive.) (in non-reversed order.)
  • ..< or until : a..< b is equivalent to the iterator (an IntRange type) (a,a+1,...,b-1). (a inclusive but b exclusive.) (in non-reversed order.)
  • downTo : b downTo a is equivalent to the iterator (an IntRange type) (b,b-1,...,a+1,a) (both inclusive.) (BUT in reversed order.)
expression inclusive or exclusive non-reversed order or reversed order
a .. b both inclusive. non-reversed order
a ..< b or a until b a inclusive but b exclusive. non-reversed order
b downTo a both inclusive. reversed order
  • Example 1:
a b expression returned iterator
3 7 3..7 (3,4,5,6,7)
3 7 3..<7 or 3 until 7 (3,4,5,6)
3 7 7 downTo 3 (7,6,5,4,3)

It can be also used with step. The number after step keyword refers the number will be added to next element from current element.

  • Example 2:
a b step expression returned iterator
3 7 2 3 .. 7 step 2 (3,5,7)
3 7 2 3 ..< 7 step 2 or 3 until 7 step 2 (3,5)
3 7 -2 7 downTo 3 step -2 (7,5,3)
  • Example 3:
a b step expression returned iterator
3 10 2 3 .. 10 step 2 (3,5,7,9)
3 10 2 3 ..< 10 step 2 or 3 until 10 step 2 (3,5,7,9)
3 10 -2 10 downTo 3 step -2 (10,8,6,4)

For example, see CH9 - range in my example code[^1].

data type

List type

It is often used when the order of elem is important.


It is NOT mutable. That is, the element in List can NOT be changed.


To construct a List with any elements (zero to any integer number of elements), one can use these methods

  • listOf (such as listOf(1,2,3))

To construct List with zero element, use these methods.

  • listOf (through listOf())
  • emptyOf (through emptyOf())
API reference

For more details about List, see List (Kotlin official docs)


It is mutable. That is, the element in MutableList can be changed.


To construct MutableList with any element, use these methods.

  • mutableListOf (through mutableListOf(1,2,3))

To construct MutableList with zero element, use these methods.

  • mutableListOf (through mutableListOf())

MutableList is a subclass of List.

API reference

For more details about MutableList, see MutableList (Kotlin official docs)

Map type

To use the feature key-value pair, one can use Map.


It is NOT mutable. That is, the element in Map can NOT be changed.


To construct Map with any element, use these methods.

  • mapOf (such as mapOf( 'A' to 65 , 'B' to 66))

To construct Map with zero element, use these methods.

  • mapOf (through mapOf())
  • emptyMap() (through emptyMap())
API reference

For more details about Map, see Map (Kotlin official docs)


It is mutable. That is, the element in MutableMap can be changed.


To construct MutableMap with any element, use these methods.

  • mutableMapOf (such as mapOf( 'A' to 65 , 'B' to 66))

To construct MutableMap with zero element, use these methods.

  • mutableMapOf (through mutableMapOf())

MutableMap is a subclass of Map.

API reference

For more details about MutableMap, see MutableMap (Kotlin official docs)

Set type

In math, there are unique value in a Set. And so in Kotlin.

If one think the uniqueness is important, use set Type.


It is NOT mutable. That is, the element in Set can NOT be changed.


To construct Set with any element, use these methods.

  • setOf (such as setOf( 'A','B'))

To construct Set with zero element, use these methods.

  • setOf (through setOf())
  • emptySet (through emptySet())
API reference

For more details about Set, see Set (Kotlin official docs)


It is mutable. That is, the element in MutableSet can be changed.


To construct MutableSet with any element, use these methods.

  • mutableSetOf (such as mutableSetOf( 'A','B'))

To construct MutableSet with zero element, use these methods.

  • mutableSetOf (through mutableSetOf())

MutableSet is a subclass of Set.

API reference

For more details about MutableSet, see MutableSet (Kotlin official docs)

null safety check

nullable check ?.

If the left hand side of nullable check (?. symbol) <leftValue> is NOT null, then the method or the property <propertyNameOrMethodName> will be evaluated then returned.

Otherwise, it will return null

<lvalue> = <leftValue>?.<propertyNameOrMethodName>

It is an abbreviation for

<lvalue> = if(<leftValue> == null) null else <rightValue>

For example, see nullable check in my example code[^1].

It is NOT allowed to add space between these symbols.

operation for List type

Common operations of List type

operation for List type inplace function non-inplace function
sort by ascending sort() sorted()
sort by descending sortDescending() sortedDescending()
reverse reverse() reversed()

reverse v.s. reversed v.s. asReversed

reverse is an inplaced function, it will reverse the elements in the original object.

reversed is a non-inplaced function, it will reverse the elements BUT return a new object. The original object does NOT be affected.

asReversed is non-inplaced function, it will return a reversed read-only view of the original object, thus all changes made in the original object will be reflected in the reversed one.

operation for Collections

List, Map, Set are subclass of Collections

property description
size get the number of elements.
methods description
count return the number of elements of orignal collection that satisfies the given predicate. If the predicate is NOT given, then default predicate is {true} which will return the number of elements in the original collection.
methods description
contains return true iff the original collection contains the given element.
containsAll return true iff the original collection contains the given collection.
methods description
add add one element
addAll add one list into original collection.
methods description
remove remove the given element
removeAt remove a corresponding element with given index
methods description
retainAll only retain the new collection
methods description
clear clear the original collection

Elvis operator ?:

If the left hand of Elvis operator (?: symbol) <leftValue> is NOT null, then it will return the value <leftValue>.

Otherwise (i.e. the left hand of Elvis operator (?: symbol) <leftValue> is null), then it will evaluate the right hand side of Elvis operator <rightValue> and return the result.

<lvalue> = <leftValue> ?: <rightValue>

It is an abbreviation for

<lvalue> = if(<leftValue> == null) <leftValue> else <rightValue>

For example, see Elvis Operator in my example code[^1].

It is NOT allowed to add space between these symbols.

non-null assertion operator !!

If the left hand side of non-null assertion operator (!! symbol) is NOT null, then the right hand side of non-null assertion operator will be evaluated and returned.

Otherwise, it will throw a NPE (NullPointerException).

if(<leftValue> == null) {
  throw NullPointerException(...)
} else {
  <lvalue> = <rightValue>

For example, see non-null assertion operator in my example code[^1].

It is NOT allowed to add space between these symbols.

Compare with the symbols.

One can easily found the fact that

the left hand side of the symbols in nullable check, Elvis operator and non-null assertion operator must be an expression <leftValue> .

On the other hand, the right hand side of <rightValue> in Elvis operator and non-null assertion operator must be an expression <expression>

While that in nullable check must be a property or method <propertyNameOrMethodName>


Regex[^2][^3][^4] in Kotlin is a class that handles string with re (regular expression) in Kotlin.

The rule of re in Kotlin use that in JavaScript.

The rule of re in Kotlin is quite similar to those in all languages.

Here, I recommend a useful tool to handle text with re.[^3].

For more introduction about[^3], see my notes at Github[^5].

scope function


Function Object reference Return value Is extension function
let it Lambda result Yes
run this Lambda result Yes
run - Lambda result No: called without the context object
with this Lambda result No: takes the context object as an argument.
apply this Context object Yes
also it Context object Yes

recommend intention

Here is a short guide for choosing scope functions depending on the intended purpose:

  • Executing a lambda on non-nullable objects: let
  • Introducing an expression as a variable in local scope: let
  • Object configuration: apply
  • Object configuration and computing the result: run
  • Running statements where an expression is required: non-extension run
  • Additional effects: also
  • Grouping function calls on an object: with


For fully understand, you can see my notes at Github -- Kotlin/
and example code -- Examples


[^1]: Example code zip file

[^2]: Regex (Kotlin in TibMe)

[^3]: a website of an regular expression

[^4]: Regex (Kotlin API docs)

[^5]: regexr (my notes at Github)

{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

